New feature: Recommended bids. Find the optimal bid for your campaign!
Have you ever been unsure which bid would be enough to get the amount of traffic you want? No one wants to pay more than they need to, but a lower bid could result in you getting far fewer views and clicks than you expected.
If you click "Estimate" to get the predicted amount of traffic, you'll also get three bid suggestions:
- The minimum bid is the lowest bid that is enough to get some traffic. A lower bid wouldn't bring you anything.
- The maximum bid will get you all the traffic from your target audience that we have in stock.
- The middle bid is somewhere in between - you don't pay extra to get 100%, but you still get a lot of the views from your target audience, at least 50% and sometimes more.

Note that the recommended bid is an approximate amount. It depends on the bids and targeting settings of other advertisers and can change at any time. Feel free to use the recommendations as a reference point to achieve the best results.