
New ADxAD features for advertisers: multilingual user interface, new target groups and in-campaign creative editor.


We are happy to introduce new user interface features that we hope will make your daily work easier.

Multilingual user interface

Now you can use our interface in your native language!

Now you can use our interface in your native language!

To change the language, use the flag button on the top right.

Available languages: Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and, of course, English.

More languages will be added soon!

New target groups

New target groups

We now have additional targetings that you can use to target your campaign even more precisely. If you want to try them out, ask your manager to turn them on for you.

The new targetings are:

Please make sure that you don't limit your target audience too much and that your settings don't lead to not getting enough traffic! These settings have no influence on the estimated amount of traffic.

In-campaign creative editor

You start creating a campaign and then realize you don't have a right-sized image to use as a banner. Sound familiar?

At ADxAD, you can now crop your images in a snap.

Just upload your image, click resize and edit it to your liking.

Just upload your image, click "resize" and edit it to your liking.

You can zoom in and out, rotate it and choose the crop you need.

The ratio will be automatically kept as it's required for this type of banners. We also check if the new banner still exceeds the 1 MB limit.

When you're done, just click Save. That's it.

When you're done, just click "Save". That's it.

You're ready to submit your banner for moderation and soon you can get your first clicks!

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