Guideline for advertisers
No imitation of our site in any form (colors, layouts, template etc.)
No visual portrayal of sexual activity by people (real or imaginary) who are under 18 y.o.
No campaigns with underage (or lookalike) performers
No popunders or popups with automatic audio playback
No malware distribution
No JavaScript code opening pop-ups that appear on top of the user’s screen
No JavaScript that causes mobile vibration
No redirects to sites with domains like .accountant, .bid, .club, .cricket, .date, .download, .faith, .loan, .party, .vpw, .review, .science, .trade, .uno, .webcam, .win, .xyz
No products with automatic downloads
No auto-redirects to mobile app stores
All ads considered to have a negative effect on our network can be paused at any time
All banners and landings can be paused if they violate copyright, patent, trademark, intellectual property laws
All banners and landings that copy any elements of the Specific Trademarks like Facebook, Tinder, Skype, Whatsapp, Snapchat etc. are not allowed
All illegal activities (hacking, password stealing, illegal gambling, drug/weapon trafficking) are not allowed
All creatives containing misleading; malware, spyware, adware; piracy or stolen content, “tech support” offers and creatives with no clickable links are prohibited
Ads and banners defined as misleading:
Aren’t related to the landing page
Contain misleading exit buttons (“x” icon, “cancel”, ”skip” buttons) and check boxes or drop down menus
Show fake virus alerts, calls/messages, video players
Imitate Microsoft Windows or mobile phone elements
Ask disclaimer questions like “are you 18+?”
Display words “illegal”, “banned”, “forbidden” (in any language)
Advertisers should be able to provide IDs and 2257s if their ads display underage models. Child pornography is prohibited!
The phrase “Consult your doctor” must be displayed on landing pages. If you use branded names like Viagra, Cialis etc., words like “Generic”, “Like Viagra” etc. must be visible on the banner
Display of all Disney characters and underage characters (e.g. young Lisa Simpson, underage Bart) is prohibited
Promotion and images of drugs, alcohol and related attributes aren’t allowed
Rape, abuse, blood, violence, bestiality, extreme, crying, mutilation, death, brutality, torture, urination, incest, coprophilia, incapacitation, necrophilia are strictly prohibited